Answer by Kristian for Pacman: error: duplicated database entry
This command worked for me after changed directory to /var/lib/pacman/local:ls | sort | awk -v re='(.*)-[^-]*-[^-]*$''match($0, re, a) { if (!(a[1] in p)){p[a[1]]} else {print} }' | xargs sudo rm -rf
View ArticleAnswer by Theodore R. Smith for Pacman: error: duplicated database entry
I tried @Schooled and @maulinglawns answers but both basically bricked my system.The reason is that source was running linux-5.4.71 and dest was running linux-5.4.72, released just a day apart.When...
View ArticleAnswer by Schooled for Pacman: error: duplicated database entry
I just went through this. You need to us the rsync --delete option. The Arch wiki is wrong about the --delete option altering anything in the source system. It will only delete files in destination if...
View ArticleAnswer by anon for Pacman: error: duplicated database entry
I suggest that you read the information in the links here and here.Basically, you need to remove the duplicates (manually or using a script) from /var/lib/pacman/local/.
View ArticlePacman: error: duplicated database entry
On Arch Linux, I've backed up my system with rsync and restoredit again, but it seems that my way of doing it (which I did get from the ArchWiki but must be wrong?) has kept old files deletedby Pacman....
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